Big Life shifts are often motivated by impactful experiences. In my case, personal health challenges played a crucial role in triggering my own transformation. My journey to healing and the lessons learned from successes and mistakes along the way fueled a desire to assist others.

Facing various health challenges has shaped my current path. From a young age, persistent insomnia and a dis-regulated nervous system were my constant companions. Depression and burnout joined forces later in my thirties, challenging me to find the strength to reignite my inner light.

These trials have become a crucible for resilience. Now, from my experiences, a sincere desire has emerged – a commitment to share learned lessons and extend a helping hand to those navigating their own health journeys. My service is tailored especially for sensitive individuals who've tried everything, and could not find their answers yet.

I am offering not just expertise but understanding, compassion, and a commitment to empower you on your path to renewed well-being.

Mineral balancing program

In 2016, I began a mineral balancing program inspired by the research of Dr. Paul Eck. The catalyst for this journey was the removal of two amalgam fillings by a conventional dentist, which triggered severe neurological symptoms. In my quest to understand mercury toxicity and explore natural detoxification methods for heavy metals, I stumbled upon Dr. Lawrence Wilson's website. There, I found the answers I had been seeking to explain my lifelong symptoms. Discovering heavy metals toxicity revealed a truth about the interconnectedness of our bodies, minds, and souls.

My initial hair test revealed significantly elevated calcium levels, a pattern that is known as Calcium Shell. Calcium shell usually indicates psychological withdrawal, the presence of trauma, and perhaps overwhelming stress, inability to handle stress well, or a very sensitive body.

Calcium has a depressive effect on the central nervous system.  This means that you may feel depressed because you have too much calcium in your body’s soft tissues.

The emergence of a calcium shell may also be a response to mitigate severe symptoms of copper toxicity. Therefore, addressing copper toxicity is crucial to resolving this pattern. When I started mineral balancing, I had previously followed vegetarian and vegan diets for nearly 12 years. Plant based diets are extremely high in copper and low in zinc. Copper and zinc counteract each other, meaning an excess of copper will interfere with zinc functions in the body. Stress and trauma also deplete zinc, and an exhausted body will accumulate more copper too. Personally, I recognized parallels between my distressing PMS symptoms, insomnia, racing thoughts and frequent fight or flight state and those associated with copper toxicity.

Another cause for the calcium shell in some individuals appears to be as a means of protection.  The shell reduces stress by reducing the intensity of the impact of the environment upon a person’s nervous system.  This is the numbing effect mentioned earlier.

Some individuals may need the shell to protect them from real or imagined stressors.  The shell may be a remnant of a difficult childhood, for example, when one was not in control of the environment and had to use any defense possible to maintain one's integrity or even one’s sanity. It may be a generational trauma passed down from parents to children. In other words, the calcium shell can be seen as a kind of personality posturing that was adaptive at some stage of life and may still be adaptive, especially if the body is weak and not able to cope well with stress.

However, the calcium shell is usually causing other problems, both physical and emotional. This is an extremely common cause of depression.  It is a type of depression in which one often feels a sort of heaviness and numbness in the body.  The awareness level may also be lowered, causing one not to be in touch with their true thoughts and feelings.

The body is toxic, nutritionally depleted, and generally the body chemistry is also out of balance in terms of the oxidation rate and the major mineral ratios in the tissues. Excess calcium in the tissues is blocking vital minerals and nutrients entering the cell. The adrenal glands and/or thyroid glands are often very underactive.

Such people must drag themselves through life, often using stimulants like caffeine, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, worry or anger as stimulants just to function.  Life is not much fun.  This gives rise to negative thoughts and negative emotions.  The main one is depression.

Symptomatic vitamin or herb therapies may work, but do not rebuild the body.  Targeted minerals therapy based on your unique body chemistry as read on the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis will often quickly shift the calcium shell and other adaptive patterns to a more healthy and balanced state. A mineral balancing and diet program can also prevent or correct dozens of other symptoms and conditions at the same time.



I have obtained my HTMA certification under the guidance of Susan Cachay ( I consistently collaborate with Susan to review the test results of my clients, tapping into her decades of expertise and knowledge. I continue to passionately learn about minerals and nutrition and currently taking more accredited courses in the field of the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

My equal interest in the mind-body connection also prompted me to pursue training in Recall Healing. Both German New Medicine and Recall Healing are based on the idea that unresolved emotional conflicts and stress can manifest as physical symptoms or diseases in the body. This approach explores how inherited family patterns, cultural conditioning, and societal beliefs can impact an individual's health and well-being. It emphasizes holistic approaches to health and wellness.